Governor Salomón Jara Cruz Reduces Public Debt in Oaxaca

Governor Salomón Jara Cruz reduces public debt in Oaxaca by 3.98% without indebting the entity. 10,382 million pesos were paid, strengthening the local economy.

Governor Salomón Jara Cruz Reduces Public Debt in Oaxaca

Two years after the beginning of his administration, Governor Salomón Jara Cruz sets a precedent in the state's finances by reducing public debt by 3.98 percent, without indebting the entity and with a historic payment of 10 billion 382 million pesos, which strengthens the economy of the people of Oaxaca.

In a press conference, the state leader detailed that the government of Alejandro Murat left a debt of 32 billion 348 million pesos, of which 17 billion 133 million correspond to financial institutions and 15 billion 215 million to federal institutions.

"We have reduced this enormous debt, and we have to pay for all of this due to the irresponsibility of previous governments, which acquired money from the people with terrible lies, claiming it was for strategic projects and poorly executed works that were not completed," he pointed out.

The Secretary of Finance reported that, of the 10 billion 382 million pesos paid, 5 billion 178 million pesos have been for financial institutions and 5 billion 204 million pesos for federal institutions such as the SAT, the ISSSTE, and the Fovissste.

As of December 31, 2024, the balance of public debt is 27 billion 642 million pesos: 16 billion 450 million with financial institutions and 11 billion 192 million with federal institutions.

The head of Sefin, Farid Acevedo López, reported that during the government of Ulises Ruiz Ortiz, a debt of 1 billion 434 million pesos was left with financial institutions; Gabino Cué, 15 billion 721 million pesos; and Alejandro Murat, 17 billion 133 million pesos.

In this way, he highlighted that after three six-year terms and for the first time, the debt is decreasing with the Government of the Oaxacan Spring.